What Cash For Gold Shops Look For In Your Diamond Necklace
When you pawn or sell a diamond necklace, the associate will verify that the diamond is real and then determine the quality of the diamond. Since the value is in the diamond, you want your diamond bands to have everything cash for gold shops want to see. Understanding how to determine if a diamond is real will also help you manage expectations before you enter the store. Here are some methods a pawn shop may judge the validity and quality of your diamond jewelry.
Blue Color Under Black Light
Most diamonds shine blue under a black light. Blue indicates a real diamond while green, grey, and yellow indicate a fake diamond. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect science. Some true diamonds don't glow blue under a black light. Instead, they may not glow at all. However, this is an easy test you can perform right at home, and it does work most of the time.
High Refractivity
Diamonds refract, or bend, light. Other gems, such as quartz, don't refract light as intensely as diamonds. You can test refractivity using a book or newspaper. You will likely be able to read the print when looking at it through quartz. However, you won't be able to read the print when you look at it through a diamond since the light will bend the print, making it illegible.
Quality of the Setting and Mound
Jewelers don't set diamonds in low-quality mounds. They will use gold, silver, platinum, or another precious metal. True gold will have a stamp on it to indicate the quality of gold.
Some stamps you will find on real gold include:
- 10K
- 14K
- 18K
- 585
- 750
- 900
- 950
- PT
- Plat
If the stamp reads CZ instead of the gold rating, you have a fake diamond. "CZ" stands for cubic zirconia.
Appearance Under a Loupe
A loupe is a jeweler's magnifying glass without a handle. A jeweler can use it to examine the diamond up close. The jeweler will look for inclusions, or natural imperfections, in the diamond. The inclusions indicate a real diamond. A naturally flawless diamond, while possible, is extremely rare, and it's more often than not an indication of a factory-grown diamond. The imperfections include mineral flakes and color changes.
Diamonds come in numerous shapes, colors, sizes, and qualities. All of these factors impact the value of the diamond. Of course, the first step is determining that the diamond is real. After that, you can start the negotiations. For more information on how to get cash for your diamond necklace, contact a professional near you.